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Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: június, 2021

“The more gypsy theaters there are, the better we can present our culture in every country in the world.” - Interview with Nikolja Kondenko Natalia Zolotarjova, Igor Krikunov

Igor Krukinov is the director of the Romance Theater, and Nikola Kondenko and Natalia Zolotarjova are the actors in the theater. For them theater means life and home. A place where they can talk freely about their culture, problems and development process. What they all have in common is that they developed a love of theater from an early age. They also talk about their favorite roles, the way the Roma theater works, the values ​​and experiences they have experienced together and their future plans. It becomes clear what and why they consider important in Roma theater and what they want to convey to the audience through their production.

“I’ve never been that careerist type, I was hoping someone would invite me to play in a theater and so it happened.” - Interview with Zsolt Lovas Fekete

  The role model of Zsolt, who grew up in Sepsiszentgyörgy, is the theater company of László Bocsárdi. The company’s epoch-making performances and intimate atmosphere immediately captivated the boy preparing for an acting career. “ I looked up to these actors like gods.”- he says nostalgically. He recounts that after one of the performances, he took courage and talked to them. That's when his dream to be an actor in the Tamási Áron Theater was born. He talks about his experiences in Marosvásárhely at Színművészeti Egyetem and how he got into the thick of alternative theater life in Budapest.  Finally, he talks about her community work, experiences and its aftermath at the Roma settlement in Őrkö.

What does it mean to be Roma? How crucial is identity to theater and to defining ourselves? - Interjú with Slavisa Markovic

  Among other things, Slavisa Markovic, who also talks about the development of his passion for theater, seeks answers to these questions. He said his attachment to the theater began as a child in the AG puppet theater, where he was sent by one of his teachers. Identity and interaction with the environment is one of the central themes in his work. In this regard, we can learn more about his form-breaking ideas and why it is important to look at stories from as many perspectives as possible.

“We all exist in this moment. I want to experience this moment with people in the theater. Which is right now.” - Interview with Nebojsa Markovic

  In Nebojsa Markovic’s life, storytelling played a huge role as a community-building force. According to him, storytelling already had been a performative act with expressive mimicry and by bringing the whole being of the narrator into the story. This is how Nebojsa's love of theater developed.  The little boy started writing sociodramas. He was disturbed by the inability of other people to form an identity-independent judgment in his direction. He talks about why he was disturbed at school by the compulsion of her Roma peers to comply and when the value of acceptance regardless of origin developed in his life. We can find out what matters most to him in theater and why he doesn’t have a role model.

“My Roma identity is an important part of who I am and the way I think.” - Interview with Andrei Serban

The most defining decision of Andrei Serban’s life is the open assumption of roma identity. However, he had to overcome serious obstacles before taking a step in his life as he admitted that he did not dare to take his views until the early twenties. He is currently fighting against racism and stigmatization as a human rights activist. He explains why he is proud to belong to a roma community and why he considers the possibility of creating a roma theater is important. He is enthusiastic about what projects he would implement in the theater. Finally, in connection with a performance, it becomes clear who he sees as his own hero as an example to follow.

“It’s just a cliché that being a musician is not for women.” - Interview with Nicoleta Ghita

For Nicoleta, the desire to prove has always been a determining factor. She wanted to show that a woman can also be a musician.  She talks about what motivated her to perform well in school, the impact of her childhood exclusion, and her experience at a youth theater company. Nicoleta is currently an actor of the Giuvlipen Company. She feels she has achieved what she wanted because she is doing what she loves. We can find out why her aunt is the greatest hero and what she thinks about the role of Roma theater in society.